The Medium is the Message

The devices and platforms we choose to read on (not what or how much we read) may be contributing to our information overload. "The more contained, or even constrained, a platform feels, the more it can contribute to people feeling less overwhelmed…" Read the article from Nieman Journalism Lab: Embedded Link How we read, […]

Trust as Currency

We're entering the 3rd wave of trust, says Rachel Botsman in this brilliant TED talk: The currency of the new economy is trust Embedded Link Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust | Video on TED Talks There’s been an explosion of collaborative consumption — web-powered sharing of cars, apartments, […]

Two-Screen Viewing

40% of the time people are on tablets they are also doing something else. Eating, using a smartphone, listening to the radio, cooking, traveling, talking … and of course watching tv (63%). Adweek has a great infographic illustrating our dexterity: Embedded Link Data Points: Two-Screen Viewing Tablet owners often multi-task while on their devices, […]

Mental Exercise

Being scared while watching The Shining is like walking for 30 minutes. This study showed it burns enough calories to equal a chocolate bar, but at the same time the adrenaline lowers your appetite. The top 10 calorie-burning frightening films to get your heart pumping Embedded Link Watching horror films burns nearly 200 calories […]

Self awareness, social media & narcissism

A new post popped up today about youth narcissism and social media that caught my eye It also reminded me of this article in the NY Times that raises some interesting questions about the constant documentation of our (and our children's) lives and what impact this could have. Both look at how our […]